
支持ing Victims/Survivors

我们使用“受害者/幸存者”一词来承认个人可能认同 different terminology and identities related to their experience. 我们鼓励人们 模仿和反映某人使用的语言,可能包括“受害者”、“幸存者”、 或者其他术语.

当一个人透露了与他人的性别暴力经历时, 那个人的反应会对个人的康复过程产生重大影响. 一个人的反应可能会影响他们是否会寻求额外的帮助和支持. 有时个人可能会亲自向某人透露,而其他人可能会公开分享 通过网络平台或公开机会说出自己的经历.

任何人都可能遭受基于性别的暴力,无论其身份如何. Unfortunately, individuals of marginalized communities often face higher rates of 在寻求帮助和支持方面可能面临额外的困难. 暴力与个人持有的不同身份相交叉,并可能产生影响 人们如何经历暴力和/或骚扰,如何应对创伤,如何获得帮助 支持,做出报告的决定,或者在他们的应对和 疗愈.

无论你是朋友、家人、住宿顾问、教授还是工作人员, 你可以做一些事情,说一些话来支持那些披露事件的人 给你. Make sure you are listening to the survivor when they are sharing their story, 验证他们的经验,让他们知道你相信他们,并努力支持他们 decisions surrounding their situation. 它是 incredibly important to respect an individual’s 决定他们寻求什么样的帮助和支持,并让他们在他们的 应对和治愈.

如果受害者/幸存者表现出任何自杀或自残行为,或者如果你是 担心他们的安全或幸福,你应该寻求专业的危机援助 立即. 您还可以:

  • Tips for Family and Friends

    The initial shock following a crime, sudden death, or other trauma is a harsh and painful reality for everyone involved.  However, everyone reacts differently when 面对危机.  Some common reactions may include:

    • 震惊,难以置信,麻木
    • 焦虑、恐慌的感觉
    • Feeling lost, difficulty concentrating
    • Irritability, tearfulness, or anger
    • 责备、自我怀疑、内疚
    • Sleeping disturbances, loss of appetite
    • Flashbacks, unwanted memories
    • 抑郁和悲伤
    • 撤离和隔离
    • 感情问题
    • 无法解释的身体疼痛
    • 困惑,记忆的空白
    • Difficulty making decisions
    • Decreased ability to concentrate or focus, feeling distracted
    • Disassociation with surroundings

    To learn more about trauma, please consider these resources:
    Help Guide: Emotional and Psychological Trauma
    RAINN: Sexual Violence Effects

    More 支持 Tips for Friends and Family

    What can Family and Friends Do?
    记住,你爱的人刚刚经历了一个压力事件,无论如何 他们现在会怎么做. 

    • 仔细听他们说.
    • Allow 他们 to share what they are feeling.
    • Do what you can to help 他们 feel safe.
    • Avoid statements that may make the victim feel they were to blame for the crime.
    • Reassure 他们 that it was not their fault.
    • Allow 他们 to take control back over their own lives and be t在这里 to 支持 他们.

    People wo care about the victims can often feel stress too.  不要害怕寻求 为自己的需要提供帮助.

  • 给员工的建议

    作为一名教职员工,你可能是学生或同事信任的人 分享他们的经验. It can be difficult to know someone who has experienced 基于性别的暴力. 它是 important to remember they may have had their power and control taken away from 他们 during the experience. You can help 他们 start to regain 通过倾听他们来控制,询问他们是否需要信息和选择,以及 always respect their decisions.

    You should let the person disclosing know if you are a mandatory reporter for the school and/or a  Campus Security Authority. Being transparent about your level of 保密对于让受害者/幸存者选择自己的道路很重要 是最舒服的.

    Everyone reacts and heals differently after experiencing a traumatic event. 它是 important to remember t在这里 is no time limit on their 疗愈, and to continue to be 支持ive while they continue to process and heal. The best course of action to 帮助某人是问他们需要什么,并提供他们与专业人士联系 支持. Below are suggestions for ways to navigate how to help:


    • Believe what they tell you, and let 他们 know that you believe 他们.
    • Listen when they 说话 and make 他们 feel comfortable when expressing feelings.
    • 确认他们的感受. Reassure 他们 that what they did to survive was right for 他们.
    • Offer resources, but 支持 他们 in whatever choice they make.
    • Counteract self-blaming statements.
    • Help the survivor build a strong 支持 network.
    • Validate their experience 和ir feelings.
    • Let 他们 share as much or as little as they are comfortable with.
    • 支持 the decisions they make around reporting or not reporting.
    • Recognize their right to label their experience however feels best for 他们.


    • Make statements that question their experience.
    • Invalidate their pain and suffering.
    • Get impatient if they don’t 立即 “recover”.
    • Hold 他们 responsible for the actions of the perpetrator.
    • Blame/shame 他们 for having been targeted for sexual abuse or assault in the first 的地方.
    • 是评判.
    • Interrogate 他们—you are not investigators.

    它是 important to continue to check in with the individual. Talk with 他们 to see what seems most helpful moving forward. 有时人们 want to 说话 and process their experience, and sometimes they want to work toward returning to their normal routines, interactions, etc. 对他们的决定持开放态度 and provide as much 支持 as you can.  

    Employees can seek 支持 from the Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC)


    RAINN: Help Someone You Care 皇冠app安卓下载安装
    National Domestic Violence Hotline: Help for Friends and Family
    Love is Respect: Help a Coworker
    Responsible Employee Information
    Ways 教职员工 can 支持

  • 照顾好自己

    支持有过性经历的朋友、家人、同事或学生 攻击、人际暴力和/或跟踪可能会很棘手,而且会产生影响 on the individual providing 支持. 它是 important to prioritize your self-care so that you can 支持 他们. Even if the individual is not ready to seek 支持, you can access confidential 支持 for yourself. Here are some resources that can 帮助你处理,探索影响,并与你可能需要的帮助和支持联系. These resources can offer guidance

    Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) / On-Campus / Confidential / m - f9a.m. – 5 p.m.

    尽快的网站 / 尽快发邮件 / Main: 970-351-1490 / 24/7: 970-351-4040

    • Located within Cassidy Hall 2nd 楼层(1901 - 10)th 大街)
    • To schedule an appointment, you can call or email the office. 可预约预约 m - f9a.m. – 5 p.m.
    • 该资源面向所有学生(本科生、研究生、专业和博士), faculty, staff, alumni, and concerned others

    Ombudsperson – Johnny Armijo / On-Campus / Non-Confidential / By appointment

    Ombuds邮件 /电话:970-351-1367

    • Located in Student Affairs and Equity & 收录(1862年)th 大街)
    • This resource is for all 教职员工
    • To make an appointment visit 在这里

    UNC Counseling Center / On-Campus / Confidential / M-F 8:00 am -12:00 pm & 1:00 am -5:00 pm

    咨询中心网站 / 咨询中心邮箱 / Office and After-Hours Phone: 970-351-2496

    • Contact for Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
    • Located within Cassidy Hall 2nd 楼层(1901 - 10)th 大街)
    • To schedule an initial visit you may call or submit an 初步谘询表格
    • 紧急危机援助的上门服务时间为上午9点至11点 下午1时至4时
    • 该资源面向所有学生(本科生、研究生、专业和博士), 教职员工

    Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA) / Confidential by phone

    CCASA网站 / CCASA邮件 /电话:303-839-9999

    • 不为受害者/幸存者提供直接服务,但可以帮助寻找其他服务 直接服务提供商.
    • Services include: providing appropriate referrals to 直接服务提供商

    RAINN / Confidential by phone/ 可用的24/7

    瑞恩的网站 / 24/7 Hotline: 1-800-656-4673

    • Services include: information about sexual assault, abuse, and incest; 24/7 crisis 可以通过电话或在线聊天,了解州立法,并提供信息 additional resources on consent education and prevention

    全国家庭暴力热线/保密电话,短信,或在线聊天/ 可用的24/7

    Domestic Violence Hotline Website / Phone: 1-800-799-7233 / Texting Line: Text “START” to 88788

    • 服务包括:皇冠app安卓下载安装家庭暴力的信息,如何支持受害者, shelter and assistance information, and safety planning
  • What can a trauma response look like?
    • 闪回: 暂时与现实和感觉失去联系,好像你正在重温创伤 在现在
    • 分离: detaching from reality, which some may describe as an “out of body” experience
    • 过度警觉: being overly aware of your surroundings, as if all your senses are on high alert
    • Intrusive Thoughts or Memories: thoughts or memories of the trauma that are overwhelming and make it difficult to 想想其他的事情
    • 噩梦: 不愉快或可怕的梦,通常直接或间接与创伤有关

    对于个体来说,有内部或外部的提醒线索(触发器)并不罕见。 事件的. These can occur through any of the five senses.

    Individuals often describe various ways they did or did not respond in the moment 创伤的. When an individual’s brain and body recognize they are no longer feeling safe or comfortable, they might respond in a few different ways. 没有所谓的“权利” way to respond, and any response they have is valid. 有时人们 describe their response in these ways:


    Fight types protect 他们selves from threat through 冲突.
    那些倾向于战斗反应的人认为,如果他们建立了权力 the threat, it will result in security and control.
    Behaviors that might indicate this trauma response are:

    • Hands in fists, desire to punch
    • Flexed/tight jaw, grinding teeth
    • Fight in eyes, glaring, fight in voice
    • Desire to stomp, kick, smash with legs, feet
    • 愤怒/愤怒的感觉
    • Knotted stomach/nausea, burning stomach


    Flight types protect 他们selves from threat through 逃避.
    那些参与这种创伤反应的人,通过逃跑或逃跑来应对威胁 这种情况.
    Behaviors that might indicate this trauma response are:

    • Restless legs, feet /numbness in legs
    • 焦虑/浅呼吸
    • /快速的大眼睛
    • 腿/脚运动
    • Reported or observed fidgety-ness, restlessness, feeling trapped


    Freeze types protect 他们selves from threat through 离解.
    当面对威胁时,那些倾向于这种创伤反应的人 unconsciously detach from 这种情况 by “freezing”, or spacing out.
    Behaviors that might indicate this trauma response are:

    • Feeling stuck in some part of the body
    • Feeling cold/frozen, numb, pale skin
    • Sense of stiffness, heaviness
    • Holding breath/restricted breathing
    • Sense of dread, heart pounding
    • Decreased heart rate (can sometimes increase)

     Fawn Response (newer to the field and not as researched)

    Fawn types protect 他们selves from threat through 安抚.
    Behaviors that might indicate this trauma response are:

    • 不要向别人道歉
    • 难以拒绝
    • Excessive flattering the other person
    • Going out of the way to please others
    • 忽视自己的需要
    • Pretending to agree with others

    For more information on Trauma response visit the Human Relations Institute & 诊所

  • What are some ways to manage a trauma response?

    闪回,过度警惕,侵入性的想法或记忆,以及噩梦都是 common reactions to a traumatic event or experience. They take individuals out of the present and often make 他们 feel as if they are reliving the incident. 使用接地 技巧和练习正念可能对有过这种经历的人有所帮助 创伤反应. It can also help to connect with 专业支持 in exploring effective coping strategies. Below are a few exercises individuals might find helpful in grounding 他们selves 在现在.

    Shift your sensory experience(s)

    Sight: What are 5 things you can see from w在这里 you are? 详细描述它们.
    口味:喝冷的或热的东西,吃甜的或酸的东西会带来什么 你活在当下?
    Touch: Do you have an animal you can pet? Or a stress ball or toy you can fidget with? Can you transfer a piece of ice from one hand to the other? 你能出去吗 notice any change in temperature or sit in the sun?
    气味:你能把注意力转移到香薰油的气味上吗? candles, or your favorite food? Do you have a scented bar of soap you can smell?
    Sounds: What do you hear in this moment? Is t在这里 someone you trust you can call to 说话? 你有播放列表吗? Can you try a mobile phone app for meditation or a soothing 声音?

    Reorient yourself to the present space and time

    Ask yourself questions such as:
    What is something I have already done today or am planning to do?

    有时人们发现做一些舒适或分散注意力的事情很有帮助,比如 as:

    Cuddling with a pet or stuffed toy
    Using art, journaling, or another creative outlet to process
    Engaging in a spiritual practice
    Watching a non-triggering movie or show


    Help Guide: Coping with Emotional and Psychological Trauma
    Love is Respect: Grounding Exercises
    RAINN: Self-Care After Trauma

  • 暴力与身份 

    任何人都可能遭受基于性别的暴力,无论其身份如何. Unfortunately, individuals of marginalized communities often face higher rates of 在寻求帮助和支持方面可能面临额外的困难.  暴力与个人持有的不同身份相交叉,并可能产生影响 人们如何经历暴力和/或骚扰,如何应对创伤,如何获得帮助 支持,做出报告的决定,或者在他们的应对和 疗愈.

    骚扰,性暴力,人际暴力,性剥削和跟踪 involve an imbalance of power and control dynamics among individuals. 这样的身份 由于种族、阶级、能力和性别经常被用来维持不健康和虐待 power over an individual and perpetrate harm. Individuals who cause harm and engage 在暴力中这种方式也可能利用某人的身份来反对他们,阻止某人 报告或寻求帮助. Individuals impacted by various forms of violence are the experts in their experiences and may have a variety of different needs related or 与他们的性别、性取向、种族、宗教、国籍、能力等无关 其他身份. 

    本网站包含的校园和社区资源可以帮助个人 处理他们的经验和影响,并帮助确定具体的支持和资源 满足他们的需求.