

Your education is our primary mission. We offer you a friendly, supportive, and student-centered educational environment.  Our classes are taught by professors who are experts in 他们的田地.  They will help you gain real-world experience in our cutting-edge teaching and research facilities.  Learning and doing biology at UNC will give you the skills and confidence to succeed in whatever future you choose.



Dr. 艾米丽·霍尔特 is the university's Winchester Scholar. 

Holt Winchester award


参观 预健康网站 to learn how to prepare for a career in a health-related field.



在日历上做记号!  The chili cook-off is now twice each year.  The traditional cook-off is in the spring, and the international cook-off is in the fall.  的信息 on how to enter, please visit the 爆燃页面.


生物学研究 days

Part of the UNC 研究 Celebration, in April.



Our 学生 have a lot to say

"One of the biggest factors that contributed to my success was the support system the professors create"  -- 桑德拉

"Attending UNC for my undergraduate education has proved to be one of the best decisions that I have ever made" -- Shalacia

"The Biological Sciences program really prepared me for my future career" -- 瑞安


The story of a biology student

Yessica shares her unique story of finding her place and community at UNC.

Read or hear her story through the 记住 播客


The story of a biology 博士学位 graduate


“In the laboratory, I had a tremendous amount of freedom and support from my advisor and colleagues, which truly helped me become the researcher I wanted to be, all while answering some really interesting scientific questions.”

Read 安东尼的故事


Science with an impact

Dr. 斯科特·富兰克林 是一个 professor with burning questions.  He studies the resilience of plant 生态系统 after disturbances such as fire, flood, and insect infestations, all of which are common here in Colorado.  

Learn about our research programs.


Learning science by doing science

At UNC you have the opportunity to learn biology through doing biology research.  Then tell the world about what you have discovered at UNC's research celebration.

Learn about our research programs.

本科 research

Pre-health 学生 visit Spain for the summer

生物学 pre-health 学生 and others from UNC traveled to Spain over the summer to gain clinical hours, cherished memories and insights from physicians on what it truly means to be a healthcare professional.




From the Department Chair

"The School of 生物学 provides an environment to nurture success — for 学生 and 教师都. We have modern facilities and the cutting edge equipment necessary for teaching and research as well as many highly motivated and talented faculty and 学生. A highlight for me: the one-on-one faculty-student mentoring experiences that take place in the lab. These interactions are richly rewarding and are indicative of the many wonderful opportunities available at UNC.” -Dr. 斯科特·富兰克林

生物学 Degree Options

本科 Degree Emphases

At UNC, when you declare a 主修生物学, you’ll take classes from professors who are experts in your interest area. 你会 benefit from a student-centered education and can earn your Bachelor of Science in 生物学 degree with an emphasis in:

  • Prehealth and Biomedical sciences
  • Cellular 和Molecular biology
  • Ecology and Evolutionary biology
  • 辅助教学
  • 生物学 Liberal 艺术


Pursue research-intensive graduate work in biology, or focus on coursework-based graduate programs as you earn your master’s or doctorate at UNC. 

研究-intensive graduate programs:

Coursework-based graduate programs (M.S. 和M.B.S.):